Building on Decades of Commitment
AHC was founded in 1975 by a group of concerned Arlington residents in partnership with Arlington County, a collaboration forged by concerns over the cost and scarcity of affordable housing. As the housing challenge continued to grow throughout the mid-Atlantic region, AHC evolved to answer the need.
AHC’s efforts are recognized throughout the region as a major force in maintaining a diversity of housing. Known initially as the Arlington Housing Corporation, and now Affordable Homes & Communities, AHC has evolved from a nonprofit grassroots entity providing a home improvement program for low- and moderate-income homeowners in Arlington to a full-service organization whose low- and mixed-income housing communities serve the District of Columbia; Alexandria, Arlington County, Falls Church, and Fairfax County in Virginia; and Montgomery County and the Baltimore area in Maryland.
Over the years, AHC has developed 50+ properties, providing more than 8,000 affordable, workforce, and market-rate homes.
True to our roots, we remain the oldest and largest developer of affordable housing in Arlington, where we continue to have a large concentration of our communities.
1975: AHC founded in Arlington, VA. Home improvement program for low- and moderate-income homeowners starts.
1980: AHC purchases first affordable rental community.
1993: Resident Services program founded as a pathway to better futures for our residents.
1999: Summer Camp program begins.
2004: AHC Greater Baltimore opened.
2005: First Baltimore County property acquired.
2006: First Fairfax County property acquired.
2009: First Montgomery County property acquired.
2014: First project in Alexandria, VA breaks ground.
2014: First Washington, DC partnership established.
2016: AHC launches its resident’s service program, College and Career Readiness, to help support young scholars in our communities.
2016: AHC celebrates its 40th Anniversary.
2019: AHC Greater Baltimore wins the Maryland Affordable Housing Coalition’s 2019 Innovation Award for its Health & Wellness Program at MonteVerde Apartments.
2022: First Prince George’s County, Maryland, property acquired
2022: AHC Board names Paul Bernard as the new Chief Executive Officer.
2023: AHC rebrands as Affordable Homes & Communities (AHC) and renews its mission, vision, and values.